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Human Rights Defenders: Enemy of the State?

An attack against one is an attack against all human rights activists, here and around the world.

I personally abhor the threats of possible execution of human rights defenders made by President Rodrigo R. Duterte when he said that that he would kill Human Rights Defenders along with drug personalities if the drug problem worsens in the country. Public statements like this coming from the most influential leader of the country leave some chilling effect and stifles the role human rights defenders play in a democracy. It is replete with despotism cloaked in executive prerogative.

No less than the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognized the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in every nation and the world.

Historically, the disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of humanity, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people.

These among others, are what human rights defenders stand and fight for.

Human Rights Defenders, according to the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, are people who are working for the promotion and protection of human rights. This broad definition includes both professional and non-professional human rights workers, volunteers, journalists, lawyers any anyone else carrying out, even on occasional basis, a human rights activity.

Human Rights Defenders are important because they serve as watchdogs to the actions of the state to see to it that the state has not abused its use of legitimate power. According to Keith Faulks (2000), Human Rights Defenders are very important because they act as a countervailing force to the powers of the state. They ensure a political balance as they remind the state being the primary duty bearer of the threefold obligations to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of the claim holders.

In this light, there should always be a mutual respect between the state and its critics, because without criticism, the state would not be able to assess whether or not its actions are already encroaching upon the liberty of its citizens. When opinions are silenced and the human rights defenders are gagged, the essence of democracy is destroyed. Our constitution and tradition respect this principle of democracy which even the President should respect having sworn to defend the constitution of the land.

PRRD’s statement is problematic because it is condemning the human rights defenders without logical and concrete evidence. It is misleading how the President hastily connected the increase of drug personalities with the call to respect and protect the rights of all, regardless. With such statement coming from the President, it creates an illusion that killing under his command is legitimate. The ease with which the President can declare an order to kill, especially Human Rights Defenders in this pronouncement is nothing short of sowing terror.

The Human Rights Defenders must be treated by the government as a conscience block of the nation and not as enemies in this war against illegal drugs. Once and for all, we have to understand that Human Rights Defenders do not advocate the use of illegal drugs nor protect the drug users and pushers. Rather HRDs only assert that the government must do the right things the right way in its anti-drugs campaign, that is, founded on the respect for human rights and due process of law.

As the sovereign citizens of this democratic state with a constitution that has a bill of rights, we strongly urge the administration to commit to the principles of human rights in its governance – to uphold the dignity of every human being, to promote the culture of life and to preserve the fundamental freedoms and liberties we are all entitled to.

Stop terrorizing human rights activists! No to curtailment of our freedoms!

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